Truth be Told

Wherever you travel...there you are.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

this sounds alot like Rand's view on science....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ole Nadal,

    My name is Paul Tunstall,I live in London UK.I am into buddhism I am also a member of a liberterian group.I believe that capitalism is good.I don`t agree with what some buddhists say that capitalism is bad.Capitalism fuels technology which is making the world an ever better place. Also communism failed as it had no private competition to,lead to improved standards.You had to wait 16 years to get a new car in East Germany. I am opposed to Marxism. I have been interested in Buddhism for some years,and it has helped me through some of my tough times. I am a member of the New Kadampa tradition.

    Best wishes

